Saturday, 1 October 2011

Top Travel Destinations In New Survey

A survey of more than 11,000 travelers from 23 countries has named the United States the world's most desirable destination, beating out the France, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom.
One in five respondents to the survey said they were planning a leisure trip to the US in the coming two years. Only 15 percent of travelers said they'd be going to France or Italy by the end of 2013. The poll was conducted by Visa.
One surprising finding was the resurgence of Japan, where many feared a tourism downturn after the March earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster.
Particularly for travelers in the Asia Pacific region, Japan remains the destination of choice. (It's notably very popular with Chinese tourists, a growing group.)
Still, it's the United States that remains at the top of most tourists wish-lists. The biggest fans? Neighboring Canada and Mexico, where nearly half of all travelers are planning a trip to the US in the next two years.
source :

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